Our Core Vision
and Mission


To be one of the world’s most preferred business network groups for Vipra entrepreneurs


To provide a strong referral platform to Vipra entrepreneurs by focused networking and ensure the tribe grows exponentially in business, finance & happiness


To provide a strong referral platform to Vipra entrepreneurs by focused networking and ensure the tribe grows exponentially in business, finance & happiness

about us

Learn About Our

Vipra Business Forum has grown into 7 WhatsApp groups of business people across Karnataka having more than 700 business owners across all categories of businesses. Now, VBF is a registered organisation under Karnataka Societies Registration Act 1960.
As a part of providing the same facilities to more business people in a bigger way, VBF is hosting a website and an app is under development.
Now, since its inception, VBF has held more than 50+ meetings, in which an approximate of about 500 group members have benefited through B to B, B to C, referrals and networking leading to about more than 30 Crore worth business cumulatively.
VBF also has encouraged Start-Ups by offering platform to showcase their business in the network meetings. More than 20 Start-ups have established businesses in the course of just 10 months.
Taking this success, suggestions from its members who have been benefited enormously, VBF, to continue and expand its initiatives and help the business community more and more it has registered keeping the vision and mission at its core

All Vipra businesspersons, come, let's join at VBF , let's empower the Community, the Society and the Nation in turn.
Jayatheerta K R President, Vipra Business Forum (VBF)

Our Leadership

Navneet Joshi

Director - Atreya Vahini

Ravi Bhat

Joint Director - Atreya Vahini

Murlidhar Kalasapur

Executive Member

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